How to Creating Static Homepage in WordPress

If you have already noticed, WPPanda is not using Ordinary Blog Style Homepage for itself. It’s a custom designed Homepage with Blogging integrated inside. Its on WordPress though, but we have figured out a simple trick that can show a static homepage at front and Blogging inside.

How to Creating Static Homepage in WordPress

Here’s how is it done.

  1. To create a custom Homepage of your Blog, you should already have a custom homepage design or a custom page that you’d like to show as your Homepage.
  2. For this, you can take a little help from our How to Create a Custom Page TemplateArticle.
  3. Once you are done with this, go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading Panel
  4. Select “A Static Page” as above image and Choose any Page you want to display as homepage from the drop down menu.
  5. Click “Save Changes”.

Excluding Page from Navigation:

Once you are done setting up a Custom Homepage, obviously you would not like to show that Page in your Navigation Bar. (This happens if your homepage is basically a Custom Page Template). So let’s see how we can exclude that page from Navigation.

Check out the How to Exclude Pages from Navigation Tutorial

OR Install “Exclude-Pages” Plugin

How to use this Plugin:

  • Go to Edit Pages, Select the Page you set as Homepage. Edit
  • In Right hand-sidebar under the Categories box another box will appear named as Exclude Pages (Image Above).
  • Un-check the page you want to exclude.

That’s it ! We’re done Setting up a Custom Homepage for our Blog and excluding a Page from the top navigation.

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